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BenQ PD2700U Professional Design Monitor

BenQ PD2700U Professional Design Monitor Best Price Chennai, Tamilnadu

BenQ PD2700U Professional Design Monitor


Accurate Color for Supreme Aesthetic Excellence 
Designers never settle for mediocrity, and BenQ’s DesignVue PD2700U designer monitor delivers absolute color precision and ultra-high resolution to help designers fulfill their brilliant ideas. Empowered by BenQ’s exclusive AQCOLOR technology and 4K UHD resolution, PD2700U brings out the clarity and color precision that designers have been yearning for. Coupling with 3 special modes tailored for different scenarios, PD2700U allows designers in different fields to achieve the same level of excellence.

Animation Mode
Often problematic for designers working with intricate details in dark images, Animation mode enhances the brightness of dark areas without overexposing bright regions. Animation mode provides 10 levels of display brightness to bring out every subtlety clearly in any ambient lighting.

A Daisy-chain Configuration for Greater Productivity
The BenQ PD2700U is a daisy-chaining* enabled display equipped with multi-stream transport technology (MST,) allowing you to extend your notebook’s screen across several displays using DisplayPort output for a multiple monitor setup. You can appreciate the boundless views from PD2700U’s edge to edge design with minimal bezels on all four sides.

DualView Mode
Improve your workflow and enhance productivity by switching on DualView to showcase designs in two modes